Posts tagged with "Relationships"

The Danger of Avoiding Discomfort: What Gabor Maté and the film "Click" teach us about the Value of Negative Thinking
In a culture that celebrates "positive thinking," we often want to avoid discomfort, negative thoughts, and troubling feelings. Gabor Maté argues there is value in being conscious of all our reality without judgment. By allowing ourselves to “think negatively,” we deepen self-awareness, strengthen relationships, and live more authentically.

Rupture and Repair: What the Series "Catastrophe" shows us about Long-Term Love
The story of a couple whose capacity to survive and grow through life's 'catastrophes' shows a fundamental aspect of long-term, relationships - the value of rupture and repair.

Falling in Love; Staying in Love
To fall in love is to enter into a vulnerable, giddy, preoccupied state of mind. We take the person we love unbridled into our dreams and fantasies and feel a loss of control as our mind wanders mischievously away from mundane aspects of the everyday onto a fantasied exciting future with our new love. It is delicious yet maddening. But how does this maddening, chubby love uncurl into a mature love that lasts? And what can porcupines tell us about love?